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How To Prepare for Moving Day

How To Prepare for Moving Day

Moving day can be an extremely overwhelming and stressful time, but in this guide, we are going to teach you some tips and tricks for preparing yourself for moving day. 

There are a lot of things to think about and account for when it comes to moving home, so we recommend starting the process with an organised checklist of everything you need to do before moving. For example, packing essentials into a separate bag, making sure the house keys are in the right hands, making sure you have booked a man with a van service if necessary, and so on. There are lots of videos online that are super helpful for making these kinds of lists. 

The earlier you organise, the smoother the moving process will be. This means packing has to be well thought out, so you don’t miss out on a single step. When moving home, packing is the perfect opportunity to have a major clear out of your current living space and this is great if you are downsizing properties, or you don’t have a lot of space to transport your belongings to. 

There are now tons of apps such as eBay, Depop, Vinted, and more that you can upload clothes, shoes, home décor, and so on, that you no longer want or need and this way you declutter while earning some extra cash!  

Things like furniture is something that has to be planned out as well. If you don’t have enough room to bring pieces like sofas, wardrobes, bed frames, and so on, then instead of letting the furniture go to waste, you can always donate them to charity shops like the British Heart Foundation. This way you are donating items that the proceeds will go towards charity, and you aren’t adding to landfill. 

Storage boxes are worth investing in, especially reusable storage boxes. Cardboard boxes will eventually tear or break so investing some money into strong storage that will last you for years to come is an eco-friendlier decision. Even if you no longer need the storage once you have settled in, you can sell them or give them to family members or friends who are moving too. 

To find out more about the best estate agents in the Prestwich area, contact us today! 


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