Another year is almost over, and it seems like a good time to have a look back over the past 12 months and everything that has happened here at Philip Ellis and beyond…
What makes a great year for an estate agent? Is it the number of sales we complete, the number of instructions we win, could it be knowing that we have given the best possible service to our clients? Maybe it’s the local community and what goes on throughout the year?
For me, I would say it is a combination of all that and more… When I look back over our past year, everything I mentioned above has played a part to some extent.
Starting within Philip Ellis, 3 members of staff have celebrated major birthdays and Philip Ellis has just reached its 2-year anniversary, and I am writing this off the back of a fab end of year party we made for the local community and business’s. Any excuse to celebrate.
We have had some fantastic results in terms of sales that have gone through, rental properties that we have taken on. Not every sale was easy, but we were there with the client every step of the way advising, supporting and reassuring them that we would get them over the finish line no matter what…
We are very lucky that property values in Manchester, and more specifically Prestwich and Whitefield have held and, in most cases, gone up which is in stark contrast to the rest of the country, especially London where prices have dropped. Not only that, but it seems there are lots of people who are moving to London from Manchester, as they believe properties here offer better value for money. Why settle for a 2-bed flat when you could have a 4-bed semi for the same price!
Knowing the above, what has happened in the area over the past year to influence the market here? Well as mentioned in previous articles the area has seen an influx of new business’s move in and already established ones grow. A prime example of this is Coffee Sack – a local independent coffee shop that never disappoints. Over the past year they have introduced popular craft nights every few weeks, just changed their menu and are now expanding to cope with its ever-growing popularity.
As a business we have also grown in other ways and are the proud sponsors of the Prestwich and Whitefield Business Network Group. Through this we run monthly business breakfasts which offer local businesses the opportunity to promote their business etc. Beyond promoting business, the network is all about supporting the local community and charity, which is extremely important to us. All the proceeds from any event go to a local charity. Currently that is The Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. We have also been a drop off point for their toy appeal, helping to ensure all the children in hospital over the holidays have something to look forward to. Finally we have also become the official sponsor of Higher Lane Primary School’s basketball team.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the past year has also seen the areas yearly events grow and improve. Parklife entered its 10th year and attracts bigger and bigger names each year. This year it also added a third night with Liam Gallagher playing on the Friday evening. It is fair to say this event has grown beyond recognition and is now a firm favourite in the summer festival calendar alongside Creamfields, Glastonbury etc.
In the greater world, Brexit stopped and started, Boris Johnson moved into number 10, called the 3rd general election in 4 years. And after living the majority of the last 9 years under a coalition government we now have a conservative majority government. Whether you agree with their policies, or like the PM, the country should at least be able to move forward.
Why am I talking about all of this, all of these things have had an impact over the past year. Despite Brexit, politics and all the uncertainty etc the area continues to grow and is gaining recognition as the place to be, ensuring more people will want to live here
. This can only be considered a good thing.
All in all, when I look back, I can confidently say 2019 proved to be a great year, and the outlook looks equally as good for 2020 if not better, with ever more sales properties and new landlords on the horizon, expansion and new staff are imminent for Philip Ellis.
All that is left for me to do is wish everyone a very merry Christmas / happy Chanukah and a great new year ahead. If you're looking to mark the new year by moving house, get in touch with the best estate agents Manchester has to see how we can help you!