Hello and welcome to the third edition of our newsletter on the Prestwich and Whitefield Property Market
I am Danielle Goldman, Sales Manager at Philip Ellis Estate and Lettings. Each month we will share with all the owners and landlords in our area what is happening in our very own property market.
This month I will focus on some useful hints and tips for those of you who are thinking of selling your homes.
For more information and up to date stories, please visit our property blogs.
How to Present Your Home
The hardest part of any process is making the decision to go ahead, this can obviously lead to lots of questions especially if related to selling your home such as “does my house need any work doing to it?”, “How much should I spend on it?”, “Does it matter if it is cluttered and looks untidy?” and so on. The more you think about it, the more questions you have. In this article I aim to answer some of those questions by going through the “do’s & don’ts” of presenting your home ready to market it.
Many of us all too often have pre-conceived ideas of how to present your home when you decide to sell it. However, while we have vague ideas, most people never fully understand what is required. For the few people that kind of “get the concept”, there are normally lots of good ideas floating around our heads, but no understanding of how to apply them practically.
Here is my list of “do’s and don’ts.
Before you make any decision always get some advice, there are plenty of knowledgeable people that can help, whether it be a local estate agent, family and friends who have been through the process or reliable tradesmen/women that you have used in the past.
It is always easier said than done but try to look round your home objectively/impartially and view it as potential buyer would. Again, ask a friend of family member for some clarity. When you are looking around think about the things you no longer notice or miss in your everyday life, for example: pet hairs/smells – as much as we all love a cute dog or cat, no one wants to walk into a house and be hit by the smell of damp dogs or leave covered in cat hair.
Minor and Major Changes
Firstly, it is important to understand what are considered minor and major changes. Minor changes might be touching up paint work on walls, changing cushions or adding some well-placed inexpensive accessories such as candles etc. Nothing too personal, you are selling the house not your life story.
Try to avoid any major changes like knocking down walls, upgrading kitchens and bathrooms. The last thing you want is to spend money you are never going to get back and while you might think it looks stunning when completed, potential buyers might not like it and would want to rip it out as soon as they move in – resulting in your time, money and effort going “down the drain”.
Outside Space Is Just as Important as Inside Space
Here in the UK and the north in particular, we might live in a cold, damp climate but that doesn’t mean you can neglect your outdoor space. “Kerb appeal” is all important. More often than not it will be the first physical impression potential buyers have of your property and you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. Make sure all lawned areas to both the front and rear of the property are neatly cut and all patio areas, driveways and borders are tidy. A splash of colour goes a long way, pretty flowers in pots or the borders are a good way to go. The most useful thing to remember when it comes to your outside space is that your garden isn’t a dumping ground for old fridges, beds etc. There is nothing more unappealing than rubbish left lying about. Think more Hyacinth Bucket than Onslow and you won’t go far wrong.
A Picture Tells a Thousand Words
Always remember, a picture tells a thousand words. In reality, it is the pictures of your property online that a potential buyer will see first. Therefore, it goes without saying that they must be of the highest standard and perfect from the start. Before they are taken make sure the house is clean and tidy. Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink or piles of washing on beds. The pictures online can be the difference between you getting lots of viewings or none. If they are not good in the first place – it will cost you time and money to have them re-done.
In a perfect world no one would have to do anything to their house before they market it, however for lots of homeowners that is unrealistic. I don’t know anyone who would admit that their house is far from perfect, but with a few small improvements as mentioned above it could be and you will be well on your way to looking for your new dream home.
If you would like to have a chat about any of the above and further advice on preparing your property for sale then get in touch with the best estate agents in Whitefield today!