Staying Physically & Mentally Active During Lock-down
Staying physically and mentally active is more important than ever, with everything that is going in the world at the moment. Not just from a physical point of view, but a mental health point as well.
Daily Routine
We all need routine and structure more so now than previously and staying physically and mentally active plays a big part in that. From setting your alarm clock at the usual time in the morning, to getting dressed every day, eating at normal times, and going to bed at a reasonable hour. If you change too many things, it can interrupt your sleep patterns and mental health to name just a couple.
The BBC have just posted an interesting article on why so many people are struggling to sleep and the impact of disrupted routines. By doing all these things and staying physically and mentally active can make a huge difference.
Government Advice
One of the main things the government has continued to stress is, how important it is to get outside and have some daily exercise whether it be a run, walk or bike ride. Of course, there are also lots of exercises you can do within the comfort of your own home. The main thing is to stay physically and mentally active, and with thousands of online options currently available, it is easier than ever to get active. Exercise brings with it a myriad of benefits.
Mental Health
The biggest benefit is of course mental health. The links between exercise and mental health are numerous. Here are just a few of those benefits:
- better sleep – by making you feel more tired at the end of the day
- happier moods – physical activity releases feel-good hormones that make you feel better in yourself and give you more energy
- managing stress, anxiety or intrusive and racing thoughts – doing something physical releases cortisol which helps us manage stress. Being physically active also gives your brain something to focus on and can be a positive coping strategy for difficult times
All this advice brings up questions, such as: How do we stay physically and mentally active during the day – especially when working from home? and why is it so important?
Just A Few Ideas
With this is mind, here are a few ideas on how we can combat some of the issues we are currently facing and stay physically and mentally active during this difficult time.
As the majority of us are working from home, not only are we moving less, but we are getting less exposure to sunlight. Whilst working make sure you have regular movement breaks. Can you work standing? If not, make sure you have your workstation set up correctly with a proper chair and the screen at the right height.
Take advantage of your daily exercise allowance and get outside for that run, walk or cycle, you can do this on your lunch break or after you have finished work. Make the most of the good weather we are having and get out into your garden – play with your children, plant some new flowers etc.
Being at home 99% of the time, means that the majority of us, will be having lots more scree time – which in turn means more exposure to blue lights. Make a conscious effort to put phones away, turn off the television a few hours before you go to sleep. Use the time to finally read the book you bought months ago or maybe try some mediation.
Finally, with the fridge no more than a few seconds away 24 hours a day, it is more important than ever to prepare healthy, nutritious meals.
We have clearly covered lots of physical options but there are also many other ways we can stay physically and mentally active.
Why not try a good jigsaw puzzle, play a boardgame with your family, have a go at that new recipe you have been wanting to try for ages. If none of these options appeal, have a virtual quiz night online with friends and family.
As you can see from above despite being in lock-down there are plenty of ways we can stay physically and mentally active, all you need to do, is find an activity that appeals and give it a go.
Lets all make a conscious effort to stay physically and mentally active as much as we can through this challenging time.
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